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CM7V-T1A CSR Bluetooth Chip Crystal
Now shipping - 32.768 kHz CM7V-T1A approved for use with CSR101x range of µEnergy Bluetooth Chips from CSR.
MP05670 GSX-333 for CSR Single Chip Bluetooth Smart Low Energy
Now shipping - Golledge 16.0 MHz 3.2 x 2.5mm MP05670. Approved for use with CSR101x range of µEnergy Bluetooth Chips from CSR.
GRX-330 | Our Brand New Automotive AEC-Q200 Qualified SM Crystal
Introducing the brand new GRX-330, an automotive-focused surface mount crystal with AEC-Q200 qualified as standard, and a mechanically robust 3225 format package.
GTXO-91 | The new 3225 form factor (VC)TCXO
Capable of operating over a wide, internally regulated, supply voltage range, the GTXO-91 features superb stability options, as tight as ±0.5ppm.